Meskita Press/Media kit

Some of my draft musics:

Call the Ambulance

You can call to me your doctor Not mine, I don't have one You're the client, not me I'm not the patient I'm your disease My trauma you yourself caused You will blame my head Like a facial harmonization Make everybody look the same Make them groggy --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrus: Call the ambulance Put out your ignorance Pretend I'm a dog This dog catcher will cover me under a fog Throw me into a cart Make me another number in a chart Turn the paint back into a white canvas Paint me white Remove my colors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Half a Witch

Half a kid Half a witch Half acid Half sweet I can't choose when to switch That's hardwritten on my kernel I can't hack I'm not a bugged mix I'm the glitch Half a lady Half a bitch

Not worthier than your life

Don't give up on yourself Like you would do for your dearliest person The one, the thing, that hurt you Is not worthier than your life, than everything you can do Don't be the murderer of yourself Don't be the assassin that made your family cry Don't be the monster that took you from your dears If I ended myself when I found me useless I wouldn't be here now signing this for you

I will resurface

You slapped me down to the floor Left me for dead I will resurface But this time strong And see the react of your face Realizing you was so wrong

✨ Site created in Sat Jul 27 2024

🗘 Last update in Wed Aug 21 08:24 2024 -0300.

(c) 2024 Meskita by Daniella Mesquita.

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